
Turkey - Greece 7 Churches Worship Tour

2024年 10月27号 - 11月07号 12D 10N

Booking 预订

Or send a copy of your passport via WhatsApp to 96788878. *
If Passport is in renewal, provide your full name and date of birth.
或通过 WhatsApp 将您的护照复印件发送至 96788878。*
*From the date of departure, the passport must be valid for 6 months before leaving the country
2. Payment 支付定金
Deposit of $500 to be paid to Atis Global Pte Ltd
向 Atis Global Pte Ltd 支付 500元定金

PayNow to UEN : 200513431K

Custom Checkout Image
Step by Step Guide for making payment 付款分步指南
3. Send payment screenshot 发送付款截图
When payment is done, please Whatsapp the screenshot of the receipt to 96788878.
付款完成后,请Whatsapp 收据截图发送至96788878。