Payment Via PayNow

Payment via PayNow using UEN

To pay via PayNow (UEN), kindly follow the following steps: (要通过 PayNow (UEN) 付款,请按照以下步骤操作):

Step 1: Log in to your bank’s existing internet banking or mobile banking app. (登录银行现有的网上银行或手机银行应用程序)

Step 2: At the PayNow transfer screen, enter the UEN (在PayNow转账屏幕上,输入UEN):

UEN: 200513431K 

Please input the tour you’re paying for in the remark section below. (请在下面的备注部分输入您要支付的旅游费用)

Step 3: When payment is done, please Whatsapp/send a screenshot of the receipt to 96788878. (付款完成后,请将收据截图Whatsapp/发送至96788878)


If you have any queries, feel free to call/text us at the number above. (如果您有任何疑问,请随时通过上述号码致电/发短信给我们)